Wednesday, January 6, 2010

After some debate with the family we decided to add to our family. With all the girls in our lives and only one son we living at home we adopted a new family member.
She is so cute and very small. Other than she whines a lot and makes messes where ever she goes, she does add a lot of love to our family.
What can I say other than a new dog was a big step. The new miniature Schnauzer is very cute but also a little mess. Already spoiled, just like everyone else in the family.
Only time will tell when it comes to training her not to leave anything that we don't want to around the house.
Any ideas to make this easier please let me know!
She will be a part of my next book. Everyone needs a good dog as their friend..

1 comment:

  1. You know this by now, but Schnauzers always have something to say about everything. Kind of like me. Except that you can tell me to shut up, and I'll (probably, but it's not guaranteed) mind. Anyway, here's a hint for you: We found that if you put a few pieces of pea gravel into an empty pop can then stop up the hole with silicon (or duct tape) it makes a great device for getting the attention of your mouthy Schnauzer. Whenever the doorbell rings and she goes ballistic, or whenever you have company and she wants to put them in their place, just shake the can aggressively in her direction, and she'll probably get the idea. The person who taught us this said "throw the can down in her vicinity" but we never had to do that. Just shaking it was enough. After awhile, just picking it up did the trick. I guess they don't like that rattling sound at all. Worked for us. We had two, male and female. It wasn't supposed to be that way. Our older little female had gotten canine diabetes which we couldn't control with insulin injections, eventually had become completely blind, and finally couldn't even stand, so I did for her what I hope someone will do for me when the time comes, and put her down. No dog (or person) should have to live like that. My wife was heartbroken, though, inconsolable. When we went to look for a new little puppy, the breeder had two litters, same sire, different mothers, so we took a male from one litter and a female from the other. Half-siblings! Born a day apart, they were together with us for every day of their lives until they passed away as old codgers. Schnauzers are wonderful. The female would jump up on the bed in the mornings (not allowed!) and rub her chest in my face while pulling my hair. The poor smaller male couldn't ever make the leap. What a way to wake up! It was unexpected for me to find them so neat. I've always loved BIG doggies, favoring Great Danes and German Shepherds. But Schnauzers are lively, feisty little things, and quickly gained my respect.
